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Same sex marriage debate: Should it be legalized?


Same sex marriage debate

Source: Composite image by G_marius

Same sex marriage debate: More and more countries are changing their laws to allow same sex marriage. Do you find this trend positive for our societies?

We continue our series of controversial debates about couples and relationaships (e.g. monogamy, cohabitation, gallantry).

Same-sex marriage debate

Homosexuality has been a long time taboo in many societies. In some countries homosexuality is still considered a crime which in some cases is even punished by death. Opponents to gay marriage have used different arguments. Some claim that these unions go against natural laws and that it is morally wrong. Anti-gay marriage activists often argue that children should not be denied a father and a mother, and that those marriages do not create a family but a "sterile union". Finally, it is argued that it goes against religious beliefs or  even that same-sex marriage offends God.


However we are witnessing deep changes in many parts of the world. People are becoming increasingly tolerant with homosexuality and homosexuals do not have to hide anymore. Many countries have adopted changes in their regulations to enable people of the same sex to marry:  Belgium (2003), Spain (2005), Canada (2005), South Africa (2006), Norway (2009), Sweden (2009), Portugal (2010), Iceland (2010), Argentina (2010), Denmark (2012), Brazil (2013), France (2013), Uruguay (2013), New Zealand (2013), the United Kingdom (2014), Luxembourg (2015), Finland (2015), and the US (2015). Additionally several subnational jurisdictions allow couples of the same sex to get married, such as Mexico City. 

Those defending the legalization claim that marriage is a fundamental personal right and a matter of equality and freedom. Millions of people already live with partners of the same sex. Marriage could allow them to formalize their relation and get the same rights (and obligations) than other couples. Research shows that sexual orientation of the parents does not have negative impact on children's welfare or development. Do you think that the legalization is a good policy choice? 

Should same-sex marriage be legalized everywhere? Vote and explain the reasons for your choice.

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