Source: Composite image by G_marius
There are strong supporters and opponent of the austerity measures implemented during the crisis.
More austerity?
The European financial crisis and the challenges faced by the European currency countries have serve are justification to push forward austerity policies in most EU member states. In economics, austerity refers to policies used by governments to reduce budget deficits usually linked to adverse economic conditions. These policies include spending cuts and tax increases. Several countries, such as Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain, applied important austerity measures to redress difficult financial situations they underwent during the recent European sovereign-debt crisis. However, these austerity policies do not seem to have produced the same effects across countries. Some economists and policy-makers claim that more austerity is necessary in Europe, while others point at austerity measures as aggravating factors for the crisis.
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I am Serap, and I live in Carlifonia I filed bankruptcy two years ago and have been rebuilding my credit since then. Last month my Equifax score from myFICO was 490. I had a secured loan from Navy fed for $4800 and paid $266.00 a month that was paid off on 7/22 then come August my credit score -21 points WITH (the reason was one of your accounts has decreased by $266.00) the loan paid on time every month never late and was at the end if it term. I have credit cards that are paid on time, or I completely pay off every month, but credit scores are still low, myFICO says my credit utilization is at 8%. I was able to employ the services of SYNACK SPECIALIST who helped me increase my credit scores to high 700s across the bureaus, all the negatives, liens, charge offs and BK removed. Just send a message to S Y N A C K H A C K @ T E C H -C E N T E R . C O M and thank me later.
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