Sci Fi vs Fantasy vs Horror: which is the best geeky genre and why?

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Sci Fi vs Fantasy vs Horror: best geeky and nerdy genre? Find out more

Geeks and nerds are fans of Science Fiction (Sci Fi), Fantasy and Horror movies, books, comics and video games. We discuss the best geek genre. Vote here! 

Sci-Fi vs Fantasy vs Horror

What do geeks and nerds like as genre or theme? No surprises, science fiction, fantasy and horror are the three top themes which get the most traction among them. But science fiction, fantasy and horror are no longer topics reserved for just teenagers a few awkward adults. Over the last few decades these genres have surged in popularity and become mainstream, adding much to contemporary western pop culture. Likewise, many of us are proud of being geeks or nerds. We don't need to be ashamed or hide our fascination for strange serie B movies, weird books or video games. Geeks are considered cool, even in fashion some claim geek is chic. Geek and nerd are concepts that, to a great extent, have ceased to have a pejorative sense. There are fans of horror, sci fi and fantasy everywhere. Moreover, these themes are successfully combined. It is increasingly common to play, read or watch dark or gothic fantasy, horror stories set up in outer space, or even futuristic worlds with magic and fantasy-inspired creatures.

It is precisely the evolution of these genres which has ended up legitimizing being a geek or a nerd. The contributions to the literature, film, and gaming industries of the horror, sci fi, and fantasy genre have often been outstanding. Geeks and nerds like these fiction styles, but who doesn't? This is a list with some of great pieces of entertertainment these genres have offered us. We hope this helps you decide which of the three you prefer:

Best of Science Fiction

  • Books: Asimov's Foundation, Herbert's Dune, Orwell's 1984, Simmons' Hyperion, Banks' Culture saga, etc. 
  • Movies: Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odissey, Lucas' Star Wars, Nolan's Inception, Scott's Blade Runner, Cameron's Terminator, etc.
  • TV Series: Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Doctor Who, Firefly, etc.
  • Video games: Deus Ex, Fallout, Half Life, Mass Effect, Halo, etc.
  • Board games: Warhammer 40K, Race for the Galaxy, Eclipse, Netrunner, Battlestar Galactica, etc. 
  • Comics and graphic novels: Incal, Alita, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Saga, etc.

Best of Fantasy 

  • Books: Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, Lewis' Narnia, Ende's Neverending Story, Rowling's Harry Potter, etc.
  • Movies: Reiner's The Princess Bride, Howard's Willow, Boorman's Excalibur, Jackson's The Lord of the Rings, Milius' Conan the Barbarian, etc. 
  • TV Series: Game of Thrones, Attack on Titan, Merlin, Xena Warrior Princess, Adventure Time, etc.
  • Video games: Skyrim, Dragon Age, The Witcher, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, etc. 
  • Board games: The War of the Ring, Magic the Gathering, Mage Knight, Descent, Dungeons & Dragons, etc.
  • Comics and graphic novels: Slaine, Bone, Hedge Knight, Mouse Guard, Savage Sword of Conan, etc.

Best of Horror

  • Books: King's It, Rice's Interview with the Vampire, Stoker's Dracula, Blatty's The Exorcist, Barker's Books of Blood, etc.
  • Movies: Kubrick's the Shining, Hitchcock's Psycho, Romero's Night of the Living Dead, Scott's Alien (also sci-fi), Raimi's Evil Dead, etc.
  • TV Series: Tales from the Crypt, The Returned, American Horror Story, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Walking Dead, etc.
  • Video games: Silent Hill, Resident Evil, PT, Dead Space (also sci-fi), Amnesia, etc. 
  • Board games: Eldritch Horror, Fury of Dracula, Mansions of Madness, Zombicide, A Touch of Evil, etc.
  • Comics and graphic novels: 30 Days of Night, Death Note, The Walking Dead, From Hell, Black Hole, etc.

​You may like the three of them, but if you would have to choose one, which one would it be?

Sci Fi vs Fantasy vs Horror: which is the best geeky genre and why? Vote and tell us more about your favorite geeky / nerdy books, games, movies, comics or TV series.

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Sci Fi vs Fantasy vs Horror: which is the best geeky genre and why?

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