Source: Composite image by G_marius.
Find out which one is the best saga: Super Mario, Pokémon or Legend of Zelda? Vote and join the debate on the top Nintendo games and their fantasy universe
Pokémon vs Mario vs Zelda
Nintendo, the Japanese video game company, owes a great deal of its commercial success to the Super Mario, Pokémon and Legend of Zelda series. Many games based on these fantasy universes are available for Nintendo consoles and handhelds. Million of console gamers have grown up enjoying the adventures of the iconic plumber, Mario, with his impossible jumps and cute friends and foes. Pokémon fans are all about collecting hundred of different creatures and then training them to make them more powerful so they can capture more pokémon. And so forth. Repetitive? Yes, but great fun too. Now with the arrival of Pokémon Go, this franchise has become trully a mass phenomenon. Other Nintendo fans prefer the RPG genre and to incarnate Link and figtht their way through forests and dungeons to rescue princess Zelda.
Top Nintendo games
Nintendo can claim to have produced some of the best video games of the history of the industry. Titles such as Metroid, Donkey Kong, Super Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, Star Fox 64, Fire Emblem and Golden Eye 007 have left an imprint on gamers' hearts. However, any top Nintendo games list would be incomplete without including several of the excellent videogames of the Pokémon, Mario and Zelda sagas. We have shortlisted here some of the best titles of the three franchises:
Top 10 Mario Games
- Super Mario Galaxy (Wii 2007)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES 1990)
- Super Mario 64 (N64 1996)
- Mario Kart Super Circuit (GBA 2001)
- Paper Mario (N64 2001)
- Super Mario Bros. (NES 1985)
- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES 1995)
- Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (DS 2009)
- Mario Kart DS (DS 2005)
- Super Mario Land (GB 1989)
Top 10 Pokémon games
- Pokémon Red & Blue (GBA 1998)
- Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver (DS 2009)
- Pokémon Black & White (DS 2011)
- Pokémon Gold & Silver (GBC 2000)
- Pokémon X & Y (3DS 2013)
- Pokémon Snap (N64 1999)
- Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen (GBA 2004)
- Pokémon Emerald (GBA 2004)
- Pokémon Yellow (GB 1998)
- Pokémon Platinum (DS 2008)
Top 10 Zelda games
- The Legend of Zelda (NES 1987)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (N64 1998)
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES 1991)
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (GB 1993)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC 2003)
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64 2000)
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS 2013)
- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES 1988)
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Seasons (GBC 2001)
- The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (2009)
Is there any other Pokémon, Mario or Zelda game you think should be mention as one of the best Nintendo games? Which of these sagas should be chosen by Nintendo to launch its next console, the Nintendo NX, and try to overtake Playstation 4 and Xbox One. Join our discussion below and share your views about the top Nintendo games and franchises.
Check out these videos and see some of our Nintendo heroes in action:
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My name is Judith my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; homeofmiraclehealer@gmail.com, for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will either conceive on February 2023 or March 2023, but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I'm glad we came to Dr. Morusa, Because his pregnancy spell cast put us at ease, and I honestly believe he and his gods helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via WhatsApp him +1 (909) 897-5512 if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine,
I do not have much time to spend on the Internet) so that's why I am sharing this wonderful testimony with you all, that is going through the same problem this is the way online tips can help you get your problem solved.
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You can also contact him in any kind of spell you want him to do for you once again thank Dr Morusa for helping me
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