New Zealand is holding a referendum on whether their flag should be replaced. Check the designs for the new NZ flag and help Kiwis make up their minds!
New Zealand flag referendum vote
New Zealand has made it to the news all over the world. Hey, and guess what, this time it is not about the All Blacks rugby team or The Lord of the Rings movies! New Zealand is about to hold an unusual referendum. New Zealand government wants to offer their citizens the opportunity to change the design of New Zealand flag. As part of the Flag Consideration Project, the government has shortlisted 4 designs for alternative NZ flags (out of 10,292 designs submitted). The referendum will have 2 stages. Kiwis will be, first, able to participate in a postal referendum between 20 November and 11 December 2015 to choose the best alternative flag. Then, in Mach 2016, the citizens of New Zealand will choose between the current flag and the flag that won the first public consultation.
What should Kiwis do? Should they change their flag? If so which one do you find suits NZ better?
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Voting results
Does New Zealand need a new flag? You can vote here before the referendum takes place.
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