International relations

Who has the power to declare war?
Does the President have the power to declare war? Is necessary to wait for Congress' authorization to go to war? Learn from the experts & join the debate

Should Puerto Rico become a state?
Puerto Rico has a special legal status. Many would like Puerto Rico to be independent. Should it become a state of the USA or break away? Poll and debate

US hegemony: is the world still unipolar?
The world order is gradually changing, but has the US lost its hegemony? Has China put an end to the unipolar system of international relations? Join us!

Tibetan independence from China? Pros and cons
Pros and cons of Tibetan independence. History and future of Tibet. Should it become a free independent country or continue as part of China? Poll & debate

Cuban or US diplomacy, which is the winner?
Normalization of US-Cuba relations: a victory for Raul Castro or for Barack Obama? Find out what the majority thinks. Check out our poll, vote and discuss!

Nobel Prizes: controversial Peace Prize winners
T. Roosevelt, Kissinger, Arafat, Peres and Obama are highly controversial Nobel Peace Prize winners. Find out why and join our poll and discussion

Largest corporations in the world more powerful than states?
States vs the largest corporations in the world: Are multinationals rivaling the economic power of governments? Will private companies rule the world?

Deterrence theory: WMD and Peace
Learn more about weapons of mass destruction (WMD), mutually assure destruction (MAD), security dilemma and deterrence theory. Are WMDs good for peace?

Positivism vs post-positivism in social research
Which position is better in IR and global politics research: positivism or post-positivism? Ontology, epistemology, methodology, theories and science.

State vs nation in international relations
State and nation are different concepts. We compare them and discuss which is more helpful in organizing political systems and international relations

Ukraine EU membership: should Ukraine join the European Union?
Is Ukraine ready for the EU? Is the EU ready for Ukraine? A way to recover from the war? pros and cons of a possible Ukrainian EU membership
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