video games

Video game length for a single player campaign?
Video games: "The longer the better"? "Less is more"? We debate the ideal length for single-player campaigns. Is duration an indication of quality? Discuss

Small independent developers are shaking the video game industry thanks to their creativity, and increasingly challenging big budget AAA productions.

Top Legend of Zelda games: comparison, poll and debate. After the new title in Nintendo's famous series: Breath of the Wild, let's decide which is the best

Pokémon Go pros and cons: is it a good game?
What is Pokémon Go? Is it a good game? Find out the pros and cons of Nintendo's augmented reality game, psychological effects, facts, controversy and poll

Crowdfunding pros and cons: good for the industry?
Find out what are the pros and cons of crowdfunding, as well as the best crowdfunding sites. Are Kickstarter video games, board games and films good? Vote!

Pros and cons of video games: should kids play them?
Learn about the pros and cons of video games and whether kids should play them. We discuss the effects of violent games and gaming as an education tool

Fallout 3 vs New Vegas: which is the better game?
Fallout video games have become a reference for the Sci-Fi RPG genre. Which title of this post-apocalyptic series is better: Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Vote!

Sci Fi vs Fantasy vs Horror: best geek and nerd genre?
Geeks and nerds are fans of Science Fiction (Sci Fi), Fantasy and Horror movies, books, comics and video games. We discuss the best geek genre. Vote here!

Microtransactions in games: the future of gaming?
Microtransactions are becoming increasingly common in F2P video games. Will freemium games replace the traditional pay-to-play model in the industry?

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain culminates Kojima's popular series. Find out which is the best MGS video game accoding to the fans of the series.

Dragon Age vs The Witcher vs Elder Scrolls: Best RPG?
Can Dragon Age Inquisition and The Witcher III rival Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? Let´s decide which is the best RPG video game series. Vote and discuss here

Console or PC gaming? Gamers have different choices when it comes to hardware. Each gaming platform has its pros and cons. Which format is better for you?

Fans of the saga have been waiting for Half Life 3 way too long. Please Valve, we want Half-Life 3!
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