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Is humanity doomed? How will humans go extinct?

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is humanity doomed?

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In five billion years the Sun will destroy our home. But humanity could go extinct much earlier. Are we doomed? We discuss how human life will go extinct. 

Is humanity doomed?

Not a cheerful debate today! Over the next five billion years the Sun will deplete all its hydrogen, turn into a red giant, and destroy Mercury, Venus and life on our planet. However some scientists argue that human life will go extinct much earlier on Earth. We discuss here whether the humanity is doomed and the most likely causes of future human extinction. 

Optimistic scenario

The optimistic scenario implies that humans learn how to adapt to adverse conditions and overcome all challenges they encounter. Throughout history humans have demonstrated great resilience and capacity to find solutions to all problems faced. Humans would survive, most likely by developing food, medical, defense and space travel technologies. Humans would live on Earth until the conditions would become so harsh that they are forced to emigrate. Humans would establish settlements and colonies on other planets and satellites. 

Pessimistic scenarios

There are many potential causes for human extinction. These may all sound familiar to you because science fiction literature, video games and movies have long described these catastrophic scenarios. Out of the many dangers for humanity we have selected a few (feel free to add others to the comment section below):

  • Extinction by asteroids or meteorites: dinosaurs are believed to have gone extinct as a consequence of an asteroid or commet that hit Earth and triggered extreme ecological changes. Similar asteroids or meteorites could horribly alter living conditions on Earth, and even destroy all life at the moment of the impact, if the rock or rocks hitting Earth were sufficiently large.
  • Anthropogenic global warming and environmental hazards: we humans, through our gas emissions, are  causing climate change. If we continue polluting and depleting the resources of our planet, we could end up causing the extintion of most species, including humans.  
  • Virus scenario: a new virus resulting from the mutation or combination of existing viruses could end up quickly causing the anihilation of the world population. So far humans have developed treatments and vaccines for most deadly viruses encountered, but we may face new challenges. The mutation of virus could be natural or produced in a lab by humans for defense or terrorist purposes.
  • Nuclear war: the fear of nuclear war has diminished since the end of the Cold War. However, since a durable world peace remains a unlikely scenario, the possibility of nuclear conflict is still very real. Humans stock enough missiles and bombs sufficient to wipe out all human life. A lunatic leader or mistake could trigger a scenario of mutual destruction between big powers.
  • Aliens: an advanced alien civilization could come to Earth and destroy human life. They could see us as a threat for them or they may need to use the resources of Earth without our interferance. A second possibility is that an alien lifeforms could carry a contagious disease that would exterminate humans.
  • Uncontrolled scientific experimentation: some scientists have warned us of the dangers of some research projects. Human experiments could go horribly wrong and destroy Earth. Humans investigating atomic reactions could create a mini black hole that could destroy us. We could also manufacture a disease or an artificial intelligence that could kill us all. 

Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of humanity? Are you becoming increasingly optimistic or pessimistic about our fate

Is humanity doomed? How will humans go extinct? Vote and explain how you think humanity will end. Please add other scenarios to the comment section below.  

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