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App time or nap time? Is technology so important for kids development? Should children be encouraged to use tablets and computers? Vote and tell us why!
Children and technology
Today young children often have access to computers and tablets at home. This exposure to technology is believed to help kids to develop some skills. However, it may also entail an opportunity cost and some side effects. An increasing number of parents consider techonlogical equipment as a present as Christmas or birthday presents. Tablets, smartwatches, laptops, video game consoles are among the star gifts in most children's wishlists. But are these really good choices as presents for children. Is technology that good for kids?
The case for kids using technology frequently
Computers, tablets, smartphones and other technological devices are often very convenient for parents whenever they have to entertain their children. Often parents show cartoons or kids shows to their children at meal time. This way children do not complain about the food and eat better. Sometimes parents leave their children entertained watching something on a video streaming service when they do other household chores or work. Some experts advise parents to expose their children to these devices at early stages of their development. Video games contribute to children education, they can help develop problem-solving and decision-making skills. Thanks to video technology kids can develop some sense of spatial intelligence and learn some vocabulary or familiarize themselves with animals and plants they would not have the opportunity to see in their regular lives. In fact most schools in rich countries have integrated the use of techology in the classes and homework. Math and grammar tests are often practiced now via laptops and ipads.
The cons of technology
However, others argue that using computers and tablets may have a detrimental impact on kids' social development and personality. Children can get absorbed by the screen and seem to disconnect from the rest of the world. If they spend much time using tablets or computers they may not interact sufficiently with other people. This could create shortfalls in the development of communication and other social skills. Exposure to images and videos for long periods of time can also create stress and even cases of addiction. Video games can also be problematic for children, they may promote violent or sexist behavior. Excessive exposure to video games means less time with traditional board games and toys, such as Lego and Playmobil which help stimulate creativity and motor skills. It is also difficult to control the content children access to via the Internet.
This parenting issue remains controversial. Currently there is no conclusive scientific evidence on whether it is overall better or worse to encourage kids to use these tablets and computers. Some parents prefer to let their children fully engage with technology while others are afraid of the potential negative long-term consequences. What about you? Do you think the impact for them is negative? Do you let your children use often tablets, smartphones and computers?
Watch these videos on the impact of technology on children
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