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Cayetano Alcalá-Zamora

Level 5 // 391 xp
63 posts

59 xp to reach Level 6 (450 xp)

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Most commented
#1 Unemployment benefits or professional training of the unemployed? What should be a priority? 1
#2 Which city would you prefer for a romantic getaway: Paris or Venice? 1
#3 Should Turkey join the European Union? 1
#4 Public sector vs private sector: should public services be privatized? 1
#5 Immigration pros and cons: do you agree with the relaxation of immigration policies? 1
#6 Drone strikes pros and cons: do you agree with the use of military drones? 2
#7 Pokémon, Super Mario or Zelda: which is the top Nintendo game series? 1
#8 Is the Erasmus student exchange programme a successful initiative or a waste of money? 1
#9 Star Trek vs Star Wars, which sci-fi universe is more interesting? 1
#10 Which TV show do you prefer: The Sopranos or The Wire? 1
#11 Best 80s tv show: Knight Rider, The A-Team or MacGyver? 1
#12 Is astrology real? Is it as a true science or a pseudoscience? 1
#13 Pizza wars: Pizza Hut or Domino's Pizza? 1
#14 Children and technology: should small kids be encouraged to use tablets and computers? 1
#15 Coffee, with or without milk? 1
#16 Tea or coffee: which one do you prefer? 1
#17 What type of food do you prefer: fish or meat? 1
#18 Which do you think is the most iconic handbag: the Hermes' Birkin or Chanel 2.55? 1
#19 Best rock band: The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? 1
#20 Nadal, Djokovic or Federer, who is the best tennis player? 1
#21 Do South American countries have the right to exploit the resources of the Amazon rainforest? 1
#22 Who is the best football player in the world? Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo? 2
#23 Casablanca vs Citizen Kane: which classic movie do you prefer? 1
#24 Travolta's most iconic dance scene 1
#25 Best animated series: The Simpsons, South Park or Family Guy? 1
#26 Skinny jeans for men: Yes please or no thank you? 1
#27 Should animals be banned in the circus? 1
#28 Crowdfunding pros and cons: is it good or bad for the entertainment industry? 1
#29 Hipster look: is there such a thing or is it a creative way of expressing oneself? 1
#30 Are dogs better than cats? Which of these furry companions do you prefer? 1
#31 Should size zero models be banned? 1
#32 Best 1980s NBA player: Larry Bird or Magic Johnson? 1
#33 Effects of global warming: are scientists exaggerating about climate change? Is it real? 1
#34 Paris or London, which city is more exciting? 1
#35 Ferran Adrià and Alain Ducasse - revolution vs tradition. Who is the better chef? 1
#36 Tour, Giro or Vuelta, which cycling race is the toughest? 1
#37 Do you think it is silly to type on a smartphone while walking? 1
#38 Do you think dogs should be allowed on the beach? 1
#39 Best fantasy worlds: Lord of the Rings vs Game of Thrones? 1
#40 Most charming comics series: Asterix or Tintin? 2
#41 Most influential philosopher in contemporary thinking: Kant or Hegel? 1
#42 Time-wasting websites. Facebook or Twitter: on which do you spend more time? 1
#43 Twilight vs The Hunger Games: Which film series do you prefer? 1
#44 Best Scorsese movie: Taxi Driver, Goodfellas or The Departed? 1
#45 Emoji in text messages: yes or no? 1
#46 The ultimate Renaissance artist: Da Vinci or Michelangelo? 1
#47 Your ideal garden: flowers or vegetables? 1
#48 Best grunge band: Nirvana or Pearl Jam? 1
#49 Does online activism work? Does it have a positive impact on society? 1
#50 New queen of pop: Katy Perry or Lady Gaga? 1
#51 Should exotic animals be kept as pets? Should the ownership of wild animals be banned? 1
#52 Should Ukraine be invited to join the EU? 1
#53 Is it wrong for parents to post photos of their children on social media? 1
#54 Copyright protection: should it be reduced or strengthened? 1
#55 Eurovision poll: is the Eurovision Song Contest a waste of money and resources? 1
#56 Is Shakespeare an overrated writer? 1
#57 Governments' responses to the Ebola crisis: correct, knee-jerk reaction or complacency? 1
#58 Best F1 driver: Vettel, Alonso or Hamilton? 1
#59 Should Catalonia become an independent state and break away from Spain? 2


18 Nov 2014 10:02 Crowdfunding pros and cons: is it good or bad for the entertainment industry?
It is the best new for this industry
18 Nov 2014 09:57 Ferran Adrià and Alain Ducasse - revolution vs tradition. Who is the better chef?
Cuisine is overrated, too many cuisine Tv programs, chefs are like Rock N' Roll stars....No way!!!
13 Nov 2014 10:34 Pokémon, Super Mario or Zelda: which is the top Nintendo game series?
Super mario is classic!!!
13 Nov 2014 10:21 Pizza wars: Pizza Hut or Domino's Pizza?
I only tasted Pizza Hut, so...But when I discovered the home made pizzas, I did not come back to ...
13 Nov 2014 10:17 Best 80s tv show: Knight Rider, The A-Team or MacGyver?
A- Team, in spite of always the same plot...Great!

12 Nov 2014 17:42 Best fantasy worlds: Lord of the Rings vs Game of Thrones?
Tolkien, of course. The same as Juanan, The hobbit was the first book I read
11 Nov 2014 10:11 New queen of pop: Katy Perry or Lady Gaga?
Oh my God, if this is Pop....None of them is a queen, pop means melodies, good songs...
4 Nov 2014 12:14 Should animals be banned in the circus?
I think animals have been part of the show, but there are different models of circuses, Cirque du...
13 Nov 2014 10:02 Copyright protection: should it be reduced or strengthened?
Artists can not live from the rights of a song for all his life. An architect makes a project, he...
12 Nov 2014 18:33 Should Ukraine be invited to join the EU?
Always prejudices...Why not? If they meet the requirements, why do not we give them a chance?

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