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Sandra Clifford

Sandra Clifford

Sandra Clifford

Level 4 // 179 xp
178 posts

71 xp to reach Level 5 (250 xp)

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Most commented
#1 Public sector vs private sector: should public services be privatized? 1
#2 Immigration pros and cons: do you agree with the relaxation of immigration policies? 1
#3 Should Scotland be an independent country? 1
#4 Should Britain leave the EU? Should there be a second Brexit referendum? 1
#5 Star Trek vs Star Wars, which sci-fi universe is more interesting? 3
#6 Best 80s tv show: Knight Rider, The A-Team or MacGyver? 4
#7 Should smoking be banned in public places, even in outdoor areas? 1
#8 PS Vita: Dead or Alive? Will PlayStation Vita eventually become a commercial success? 3
#9 Do South American countries have the right to exploit the resources of the Amazon rainforest? 1
#10 Attack on Titan vs Naruto - which manga and anime series is better? 4
#11 Ebooks pros and cons - Electronic book vs paper book: which is better? 3
#12 Competitive or cooperative board games? 1
#13 Do you think it is silly to type on a smartphone while walking? 2
#14 Most charming comics series: Asterix or Tintin? 1
#15 Best grunge band: Nirvana or Pearl Jam? 1
#16 Should member states transfer more powers to the EU Parliament? Should the EP be strengthened? 1
#17 Is it wrong for parents to post photos of their children on social media? 3
#18 Indie or AAA, which video games are most beneficial for the future of the industry? 9
#19 Eurovision poll: is the Eurovision Song Contest a waste of money and resources? 1
#20 Are universities excessively permissive with sexist and homophobic behavior among students? 4
#21 MIT vs Stanford: Which American tech university do you think is more influential? 1
#22 Bach, Mozart or Beethoven: who was the best classical music composer? 4
#23 WhatsApp double blue tick: useful feature or invasion of privacy? 2
#24 SAS vs Navy SEALs: best military special forces in the world 1
#25 Where do you find better deals on Amazon or eBay? 2
#26 Most informative social network: Facebook, reddit or Twitter? 3
#27 Wittgenstein vs Heidegger: Who was the greatest philosopher of the 20th century? 1
#28 Best online dating site or app: Badoo,, Meetic, Tinder or Zoosk? 1
#29 Is the multicultural state a doomed project in South Korea and Japan? (LSESU Korean Society Lectures) 1
#30 Should prostitution be legalized? Pros and cons of legalization 3
#31 Is nationalism a logical reaction to globalization? 1
#32 The biggest Oscar snubs for best picture: Citizen Kane, Goodfellas, The Shawshank Redemption or Boyhood? 5
#33 Are entrepreneurs born or made? Do universities foster or kill the entrepreneurial spirit? 1
#34 Direct democracy pros and cons: are referendums the ultimate democratic tool? 1
#35 Pros and cons of economic, social and political globalization: is globalization overall positive for our societies? 1
#36 Media and terrorism - Should the media increase censorship on news about terrorist attacks? 1
#37 EU-Russia relations and the "energy war". Are gas and oil legitimate instruments for political conflict? 1
#38 Transparency and open data: is your government trying hard enough? 1
#39 Homeschooling pros and cons - Is homeschool better than public school? 1
#40 Are pharmaceutical companies ethical and concerned about the public good? 1
#41 What is the ideal length for a video game single-player campaign? 11
#42 Consequences of Brexit: pros and cons. Can it lead to the end of the UK? 2
#43 Best political TV series and fictional president: The West Wing vs House of Cards? 1
#44 Femen protests: effective or counterproductive for feminism? Share you views 1
#45 Does civic engagement affect policy or is policy-making simply dominated by elites? 2
#46 Is the portrayal of women in comic-books particularly sexist? 1
#47 Should we abandon nuclear energy? Time for a nuclear power phase-out? 1
#48 Who is the best Doctor Who? Why? 5
#49 Manga vs American comics: which is better? 2
#50 Social networking pros and cons: Do social media make our lives better? 5
#51 Net neutrality pros and cons: Should governments intervene to ensure network neutrality? 1
#52 Political organization: centralization vs decentralization – which is the best approach? 1
#53 Does New Zealand need a new flag? You can vote here before the referendum takes place. 1
#54 Internet shaming: deserved punishment or cyberbullying and mob justice? 2
#55 University fees: Should higher education be free for students? 1
#56 Is the world still unipolar? Are we witnessing the end of the US hegemony? 1
#57 Dungeons & Dragons (fifth edition) vs Pathfinder: best fantasy roleplaying game? 5
#58 Should I stay or should I go? How to deal with infidelity 1
#59 Does foreign investment in agriculture support sustainable development or is it just "land grabbing"? 1
#60 Challenges of prediction: Why do social scientists get it wrong so often? 4
#61 Tekken vs Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat: the best fighting game franchise of all time is ... 2
#62 What is the most alarming effect of climate change and global warming? 2
#63 Can you trust Wikipedia? Should citing Wikipedia be acceptable at university? 1
#64 Does the arms trade do more to harm Human Rights than it does to defend National Security? 1
#65 Punishment for crimes: should we prioritize retributive or utilitarian justice? 2
#66 What is the worst problem associated with immigrant detention centres? 1
#67 Understanding crime statistics: why is measuring crime so problematic? 1
#68 Is the criminal justice system racist? 1
#69 Gibraltar: Spain or UK? How should the dispute be settled? 1
#70 In developed countries, should reformers focus on inequality rather than poverty? 4
#71 To solve global poverty we must focus first on women's empowerment and rights: Agree or disagree? 2
#72 Should drugs be legalized? Legalization pros and cons 1
#73 Who has the power to authorize and declare war: President or Congress? 1
#74 Best comic-book writers: Alan Moore vs Frank Miller 2
#75 Gun violence and deaths in America: should guns be banned? 1
#76 What is the main barrier for economic diversification in developing resource-rich countries? 1
#77 Voting age: Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote in the UK? Why? 1
#78 Top 10 board game designers: Who deserves to be considered the best? 2
#79 Under surveillance - Should police monitor you on social media? 1
#80 EU democratic deficit: Are the European Parliament Elections important? 1
#81 What is the best anime series of 2016? 6
#82 Fair trade pros and cons - Does fair trade challenge or support existing power relations? 1
#83 Beyond market failures - Does government intervention promote or hinder innovation? 1
#84 Surrogacy pros and cons - Should commercial surrogacy be legal? 3
#85 Differences between Game of Thrones books and TV show. Which is better? 7
#86 Top 10 science fiction shows - Best sci-fi TV series poll and debate 2
#87 Uber business model - Is Uber an online intermediary or a transportation service provider? 1


12 Mar 2023 08:13 Where do you find better deals on Amazon or eBay?
Hey there, My name is Sandra and I live here in Canada. I hate to say this because I am not proud...
10 Mar 2023 10:48 Should I stay or should I go? How to deal with infidelity
Hey there, My name is Sandra and I live here in Canada. I hate to say this because I am not proud...
10 Mar 2023 00:07 Should prostitution be legalized? Pros and cons of legalization
Hey there, My name is Sandra and I live here in Canada. I hate to say this because I am not proud...
10 Mar 2023 00:06 Best online dating site or app: Badoo,, Meetic, Tinder or Zoosk?
Hey there, My name is Sandra and I live here in Canada. I hate to say this because I am not proud...
9 Mar 2023 22:41 Immigration pros and cons: do you agree with the relaxation of immigration policies?
Hey there, My name is Sandra and I live here in Canada. I hate to say this because I am not proud...

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19 Feb 2023 @ 10:01 Level Up New level reached: 3
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