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Daniel Kim

Daniel Kim

Daniel Kim

Level 9 // 2034 xp
842 posts

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Most commented
#1 Should transactions with tax haven countries and offshore centers be restricted? 6
#2 Which city would you prefer for a romantic getaway: Paris or Venice? 3
#3 Should Turkey join the European Union? 9
#4 Public sector vs private sector: should public services be privatized? 6
#5 Fracking pros and cons - Do you agree with the extraction of gas and oil using hydraulic fracturing? 5
#6 Immigration pros and cons: do you agree with the relaxation of immigration policies? 4
#7 Mass governnment surveillance pros and cons: Is NSA internet spying and data mining justified? 3
#8 Drone strikes pros and cons: do you agree with the use of military drones? 12
#9 Was the PPACA healthcare reform ("Obamacare") good? Pros and cons 4
#10 Should Scotland be an independent country? 3
#11 Should Britain leave the EU? Should there be a second Brexit referendum? 13
#12 Does homeopathy work or is it a pseudoscience? Would you say it is effective or detrimental? 3
#13 Should smoking be banned in public places, even in outdoor areas? 3
#14 Top 10 pros and cons of breastfeeding: should babies be exclusively breastfed until they are six month old? 2
#15 Ray William Johnson or Steve Kardynal: which of the two youtubers do you prefer? 3
#16 Pele vs Maradona: who is the best football player ever? 4
#17 BMW vs Mercedes-Benz: which of these two German car brands is better? 4
#18 Children and technology: should small kids be encouraged to use tablets and computers? 3
#19 Best type of Yoga: Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar or Vinyasa? 3
#20 Skinny jeans for men: Yes please or no thank you? 3
#21 Hipster look: is there such a thing or is it a creative way of expressing oneself? 4
#22 Keynes vs Friedman: who was the most influential economist? 5
#23 Best Spanish archipelago for holidays: Canary or Balearic Islands? 3
#24 Should size zero models be banned? 4
#25 Is Cara Delevingne worth the media hype? 5
#26 Effects of global warming: are scientists exaggerating about climate change? Is it real? 5
#27 Do you think it is silly to type on a smartphone while walking? 4
#28 Best Roman emperors and their achievements: Julius Caesar, Augustus or Constantine? 7
#29 Does Europe need more austerity? 3
#30 Should cannabis be legalized? 3
#31 Which fitness program would you recommend: Pilates or Zumba? 8
#32 Time-wasting websites. Facebook or Twitter: on which do you spend more time? 3
#33 Pros and cons of tattoos: are tattoos sexy? Should I get one? 3
#34 Will Microsoft make Minecraft a better game? 4
#35 Proportional vs majoritarian: which type of electoral system do you prefer ? 4
#36 Should plastic bags be banned or taxed? 5
#37 Does online activism work? Does it have a positive impact on society? 5
#38 Should Ukraine be invited to join the EU? 6
#39 Should member states transfer more powers to the EU Parliament? Should the EP be strengthened? 6
#40 European financial crisis: Will the Euro collapse? 6
#41 Indie or AAA, which video games are most beneficial for the future of the industry? 9
#42 Copyright protection: should it be reduced or strengthened? 3
#43 BioWare or Bethesda: which developer designs better RPGs? 5
#44 Petition: Increase and protect budget for Sure Start children's centres 3
#45 Should Catalonia become an independent state and break away from Spain? 6
#46 Petition: Revoke the decision to end British support for search-and-rescue operations for migrants in danger of drowning in the Mediterranean 5
#47 Which faction in World of Warcraft do you prefer: Alliance or Horde? 4
#48 Should Russell Brand run for mayor of London? 6
#49 Is Transparency International's index (CPI) a valid measure of corruption? 6
#50 Is justice too permissive with police misconduct and brutality? 7
#51 Campaign: Give EU migrants the right to vote in UK general elections 5
#52 Home or hospital birth? Find out the pros and cons of home birth 3
#53 We tortured some folks: Will the Senate report on the CIA's torture hurt the US? 3
#54 Torture pros and cons: Is torture ever acceptable? 9
#55 Taxing wealth: the return of the politics of envy? 7
#56 Which is your favorite Latin dance: salsa, merengue or bachata? 3
#57 US-Cuba relations: is the normalization a victory for Cuban or for US diplomacy? 7
#58 Is the publication of leaked private emails justified for the purpose of information? 4
#59 Was yielding to blackmail and cancelling The Interview an act of cowardice from Sony? 3
#60 Does celebrity advocacy have a positive impact on development projects in African countries? 4
#61 Should whale meat be completely banned worldwide, including for Inuits and other aboriginal communities? 11
#62 Is it justified to have guns at home for self-defense? 5
#63 Hearthstone vs Magic: Is Blizzard's card game as much fun as Wizards of the Coast's classic? 4
#64 American, European or Asian cars? 6
#65 Who will be the first to send humans to Mars: United States, Europe or China? 4
#66 Wittgenstein vs Heidegger: Who was the greatest philosopher of the 20th century? 4
#67 Constitutional monarchy vs republic: which is the best form of government? 3
#68 Measuring poverty in the 21st century: Are “thick” measures better than “thin?” 3
#69 Best vacation spots: Ibiza vs Mykonos - Top 10 things to do in these islands 6
#70 Is the multicultural state a doomed project in South Korea and Japan? (LSESU Korean Society Lectures) 3
#71 Is technological progress in genetic engineering mostly a threat or an opportunity? 4
#72 Vaping pros and cons: Do electronic cigarettes pose a higher health risk than tobacco cigarettes? 3
#73 Capitalism vs socialism: is Marxism relevant today? 3
#74 Child-free flights: should airlines offer kid-free zones to their passengers? 6
#75 Is nationalism a logical reaction to globalization? 6
#76 Petition: Make public officials travel economy class. Stop funding business class flights with public money. 3
#77 Future of Africa: next big world player? 3
#78 Cool small cars: Mini vs 600 vs Beetle vs 2CV. Which is the most iconic? 4
#79 Petition to Japan’s Government to ban dolphin hunting 2
#80 Petition: Stop the Proposed PennEast Pipeline Project 4
#81 Media and terrorism - Should the media increase censorship on news about terrorist attacks? 3
#82 Ferrari vs Lamborghini: best Italian luxury sports car? 4
#83 Is world population control the best solution to environmental issues? 4
#84 New claims for German World War Two reparations to Greece: a fair request or an attempt to instrumentalize history? 2
#85 Barefoot running: is it really that good or just a fad? 4
#86 On women empowerment: is "This Girl Can" campaign effective in promoting sports among women? 4
#87 Is there intelligent life on other planets? Do aliens exist? Four scientific scenarios 6
#88 Transparency and open data: is your government trying hard enough? 4
#89 Is world peace possible without any armies? 3
#90 Can the UK survive as a Union in the face of a Brexit referendum and the rise of the SNP? 3
#91 Is London property bubble going to burst anytime soon? Will housing prices continue to grow? 2
#92 Are pharmaceutical companies ethical and concerned about the public good? 4
#93 What is the ideal length for a video game single-player campaign? 5
#94 Consequences of Brexit: pros and cons. Can it lead to the end of the UK? 8
#95 Femen protests: effective or counterproductive for feminism? Share you views 3
#96 Does civic engagement affect policy or is policy-making simply dominated by elites? 8
#97 Is animal testing necessary for the cosmetics industry? Should it be banned? 8
#98 Should we rebel against the system with Flatpack Democracy? 4
#99 Is capital punishment a fair and appropriate measure for atrocious crimes or should it be banned? 4
#100 Permanent budget surplus: good house keeping or economic straitjacket? 8
#101 Public service code of conduct: Do ethics laws make government ethical? 4
#102 Should we abandon nuclear energy? Time for a nuclear power phase-out? 8
#103 Social networking pros and cons: Do social media make our lives better? 5
#104 Best way to spend your holidays: one long vacation or several short breaks? 5
#105 Should churches be taxed? Is ending tax exemptions for them a good idea? 8
#106 Who is the most evil leader in history? 5
#107 Best american classic car: Chevy Corvette or Ford Mustang? 5
#108 Major issues in America: Top problem the next US President will face? 5
#109 Migration pros and cons: what should we do about illegal immigration? 6
#110 Vow of celibacy: should priests be allowed to marry? 5
#111 Are human rights universal? 3
#112 Hydropower pros and cons: Is hydroelectric energy that good? Should we promote it? 4
#113 Should Puerto Rico become independent or the 51st state of the USA? 8
#114 A popular fitness supplement, but is creatine worth it? Pros and cons of creatine 4
#115 Does New Zealand need a new flag? You can vote here before the referendum takes place. 2
#116 Petition: Help Syrian refugees! We ask the EU to introduce larger and binding quotas in all Member States 4
#117 Police racism: is the Police a structurally racist institution? 6
#118 Longest reigning British monarch, but is it time for Queen Elizabeth II's abdication? 6
#119 Is the world still unipolar? Are we witnessing the end of the US hegemony? 11
#120 Should there be formal maximum working hours? What should they be? 4
#121 Is political polarization in America mainly the result of structural changes in society? 6
#122 Who really killed JFK? Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone or was he part of a conspiracy? 7
#123 Who is the most controversial of all Nobel Peace Prize winners? Vote and tell us why 6
#124 Worst American President before Donald Trump era? 6
#125 Does the arms trade do more to harm Human Rights than it does to defend National Security? 6
#126 Punishment for crimes: should we prioritize retributive or utilitarian justice? 6
#127 What is the worst problem associated with immigrant detention centres? 5
#128 Understanding crime statistics: why is measuring crime so problematic? 6
#129 Petition: Save the London School of Economics Nursery 3
#130 Are long prison sentences an effective way to reduce crime? 6
#131 Is the criminal justice system racist? 3
#132 Gibraltar: Spain or UK? How should the dispute be settled? 9
#133 Electric cars pros and cons: should you buy one? 6
#134 Obama's gun control measures: good or bad policy? 3
#135 In developed countries, should reformers focus on inequality rather than poverty? 3
#136 Sauna vs steam room: which is better for you? 4
#137 To solve global poverty we must focus first on women's empowerment and rights: Agree or disagree? 6
#138 Electoral College pros and cons: should the USA use popular vote to elect the President? 3
#139 Is public management research neglecting the state? 4
#140 State vs nation: Should the international relations system be organized around states or nations? 6
#141 Multiple identities: Do local, regional and transnational identities trump nationalism? 4
#142 Public scrutiny: Is the American Government too open? 5
#143 Do citizenship tests facilitate or impede one's belonging to a nation? 3
#144 Who has the power to authorize and declare war: President or Congress? 7
#145 Should I move to Florida? Pros and cons of living in Florida 4
#146 EU freedom of movement: good or bad for Britain? 5
#147 Guyana-Venezuela border: What country should Essequibo belong to? 6
#148 Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton: who will be the next president? 6
#149 London votes: independence from the UK and EU membership? 6
#150 Global financial crisis 2016: Is Brexit bringing recession and contagion? 6
#151 Government failure: who is the worst Prime Minister in British history? 7
#152 Best airplane in the world: Boeing vs Airbus 6
#153 Burkini pros and cons and ban: Is Islamic swimwear a good idea for Muslim women? 5
#154 What is the main barrier for economic diversification in developing resource-rich countries? 7
#155 Voting age: Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote in the UK? Why? 9
#156 Positivism vs post-positivism: Which is the best approach to global politics research? 8
#157 Do weapons of mass destruction (WMD) produce political instability or contribute to peace by deterrence? 8
#158 Are multinational corporations replacing states as the main actors in the international arena? 5
#159 Under surveillance - Should police monitor you on social media? 5
#160 Police body cameras pros and cons - Can bodycams prevent unjustified police killings? 6
#161 Are EU Commissioners independent or loyal to the national interest of their own countries? 5
#162 President Trump pros and cons: will he deliver on his promises? 4
#163 Technological unemployment: Is technology destroying jobs or creating them? 5
#164 EU democratic deficit: Are the European Parliament Elections important? 4
#165 Japanese security and peacekeeping operations - Should Japan strengthen its army? 5
#166 Pollsters and political opinion polls: why so many prediction errors? 5
#167 Should Hong Kong be independent from China? 6
#168 China-Taiwan relations: reunification or Taiwanese independence? 3
#169 Uber business model - Is Uber an online intermediary or a transportation service provider? 6


12 Aug 2024 18:22 BioWare or Bethesda: which developer designs better RPGs?
12 Aug 2024 18:22 BioWare or Bethesda: which developer designs better RPGs?
12 Aug 2024 18:22 BioWare or Bethesda: which developer designs better RPGs?
12 Aug 2024 18:22 BioWare or Bethesda: which developer designs better RPGs?
12 Aug 2024 18:22 BioWare or Bethesda: which developer designs better RPGs?

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